clifty falls

Sometimes the Fossier Family gets a little spontaneity in our step and somehow a random mid-week adventure happens in the midst of our chaotic lives.  Hiking Clify Falls is one of those times.   And let me tell you, those few hours we spent in the trees, flowers, and waterfalls were a gift to our family.  The trails weren't as green as I hoped, but there is no doubt that spring is slowly moving in the earth below. 

We use our time spent in nature as a tool to reconnect and truly be present to one another.  Let's be real -- technology, schedules, appointments, and other obligations attempt to distract us from what really matters in life.  When we're out hiking, all the distractions fade.  It's in nature that God's glory shines, our hearts are refreshed, and we leave a closer-knit family than when we arrived.  As a mother, I will always respect this time together and will hold onto the memories we make as a young family.  Also glad we have these photos to look back on because Brad and I have like the worst memory ever when it comes to these things... 

